If you're having issues with logging into your account, we ask that you first attempt our troubleshooting steps listed here especially if you are unable to see the login page, are stuck in a login loop or cannot view your Dapper Wallet.
Otherwise, the most common login issue that collectors may have when logging into their account is that they created it using our Continue with Google or Apple option. If you attempt to log in using the email and password method and an account already exists with the email address you're entering, you'll receive a small prompt saying, "This account was created using Google or Apple ID sign up. Click "Continue" below to create a password for this account."
In this case, you can either log in using the original login method or you can link your accounts if you wish to use the email and password method instead. For more details and instructions on how to do this check out our article here.
If you have followed all of our troubleshooting steps and the above does not apply to you, please reach out to our Support Team for further assistance. You will need to contact us using the email address associated with your account and include any relevant screenshots or steps that you have taken to resolve this issue will help us to investigate further.